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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <revisions rvcontinue="840" />
      <page pageid="1" ns="0" title="Main Page">
          <rev user="Dez" timestamp="2016-10-19T17:57:24Z" comment="changed forum link from lfa to steam, where it is active" />
          <rev user="Hexzyle" timestamp="2015-09-03T12:27:16Z" comment="Added changelog link to current version number" />
          <rev user="Hexzyle" timestamp="2015-06-23T17:45:17Z" comment="Added hidden links to front page" />
          <rev user="Hexzyle" timestamp="2015-06-23T16:18:35Z" comment="link to [[OBEY]] page on the mainpage banner" />
          <rev user="Hexzyle" timestamp="2015-06-23T07:15:49Z" comment="Updated power plant icon" />